Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 1 welcome all

Hi everyone I think we kicked off to a good start yesterday. 

For those whose still unclear about the independent task for week 1, please take a look at the course essential tab on the right hand side. Its also beneficial to read it twice as Russell mentioned so you don't miss out on anything. 

The rules are: Upload all you work onto the blogs before the start of class, and also bring these work to class as well, especially the sketchup model file as we could start looking at ways to visualise it and improve on the architecture. ALWAYS bring your drawing equipment, moleskins, and laptops (if you have one) to class. 

I'll usually round up with a post once the first four or five students have uploaded things onto their blogs. 

PS: Rayathip, could you email me a link to your blog. If anyone elses blog is missing from the tabs on the right then please email it to me, or reply under the comments below.